We don't always like being nonplussed

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Flail it Yourself Lesson 4: Arrrr (or possibly Ellll), matey

Here we come to a potentially sensitive subject: how the Japanese language handles Ls and Rs in loanwords. There's a couple tricky things that can pop up. First is when a word ends in an R sound, like Armor. In those cases an A sound is used- think the stereotypical Boston accent. Behold an example from Tactics Ogre!

"Leather" begins with the "Re" sound, because as is well known Japanese has no Ls, and the Rs are rolled as in Spanish, making it the closest sound to an L. (Which has led us to wonderful errors like the NES Ghostbusters game offering you "Conglaturation" when you beat it. One day I'll have to write something in Japanese- a two-way exchange of language-fumbling amusement just seems more fair.)

One last note- and I have no idea why this is -while other consonant-vowel combos usually end in 'silent' Us, T and D don't. So any words that end in T or D usually end in "To" or "Do."

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