We don't always like being nonplussed

Friday, September 10, 2010

Flailthroughs - Jump Superstars! (Part 10)

So I move onto the next stage in the hopes (which were not dashed, this time) that I would not be seeing any boxes for the time being. Honestly, I like the fighting system, so I'm looking forward to more normal battles, and I happen to think this stage looks about right. I'm fighting a giant albino with a blond fright wig, but I'm sure he'll be an interesting battle... like all of those fright wig-wearing, albino villains that came before him.

I enter the stage in the hopes, as I said, of a normal combat with a cool enemy. This guy does turn out to have some cool moves, and I'm dodging, using Goku to the best of my ability (when you have something that works, don't knock it) and am just about to kill him when he walks up and pokes me... and I die... what? Oh, I see! I'm not supposed to get hit at ALL on this stage! Lovely! Excuse me for a moment while I go and bang my head on something, as a concussion will help me concentrate...

And I'm back! Ow! I try the stage again, this time intent on killing the bad guy and winning! I keep my distance, keep to ranged attacks, and do my best to stay away from our albino fiend who is thankfully a bit slow... Until he turns into Sasuke, who can dash across a screen in half a second, FUCK!

Fifteen damn tries! Fifteen goddamn son of an everlasting spun-glass whore times! I have seen the face of insanity, and it is my own, dear reader!

*cough* Sorry about that, I'm back. Anyway, I did manage to beat the stage finally, and it wasn't that hard once i learned that Tag was the answer, and just threw fireballs at him from across the screen, then ran away. Much like a kid who walks up and throws dirt in your face, I found that the best idea was to hide behind the teacher and look innocent. Anyway, another pile of panels or furniture are my gift, though I think I've earned a cash reward after that, and it looks like I've opened a new Boss Stage! And it's Jojo's Bizarre Adventure related! Neat!

So this being a Jojo stage, I'm not surprised at all that my opponents are Yugi, and Nult. This has been a trend for a while now, and I should just accept the fact that the stages are rarely related to... wait... is that... Jojo?! It is! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! (he chortled in his joy) This is wonderful!... And oh my lord, Jojo is a tiny god of death, and I am his nemesis! This is seriously one of the harder fights that I've been in thus far, and I have no idea how I managed to beat this stage! I feel accomplished on levels I can't even count!

And on top of that, I'm greeted again by our friend, the monotone furniture thief! He has complained now that the bedroom set is sub par, and now seems to be after my credenza! I will never allow him to have it, though, for it is a just and true credenza! I will also not fall for the obvious trap of a tornado that he has opened up and... Ok, yeah, I will, that looks like it was the last level on this stage, and the game would get pretty boring if I didn't go through... devious bastard...

Is this happy, bright world truly a Dragonball Z world?

Ok, this world is a lot more happy-looking, and bright, so I can only assume that it's Dragonball Z related... Why do I assume that? I have absolutely NO idea, but I get that vibe, and you can't argue with a vibe, because that's the LAW... Or so I'm told.

Anyway, off to our first stage!

I'm met with a real battle, so things are looking up. I'm also met with Bobobo, so I'm guessing that things aren't going to be Dragonball related quite yet... It also seems as though being hit doesn't mean I instantly fail the stage, so YAY! Kittens and puppies and wombats and junk! Off to the battle!... Ok, killing him doesn't beat the stage, but now he's Luffy, who is a bit harder to beat. Still, my good old Kamehameha takes him out pretty quick, and I'm feeling like a boss... The stage isn't over, but there's Stoner Kid from Shaman King, who is a tiny god of death in his own right. He is fast, strong, and WAY too focused for someone that looks like they think Sublime's song "Smoke Two Joints" is an instruction manual, but I still manage to beat him, which ends the stage, so yay again.

Now let's go back to look at panel creation for a bit, since I haven't touched that in a while. I have new panels all over the place, and I keep trying to find what goes in them, succeeding here and there, and learning... that for starters, the symbol that I thought was Jojo, because the art styles are similar, isn't. The series seems to center around some form of green ball, possibly a pokeball, but doubtful. The symbol for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is, it would seem, Jojo's hat, since as we all know the series is about his hat... Oh, no, I'm thinking of The Wizard of Oz... or possibly the Ten Commandments, I don't really remember. I do, however, know that Jojo seems to hang out with some sort of horrible squid made of fists, or is one, according to this panel... and to be honest, that frightens me straight to my core. He is a murder machine, no two ways about it.

More on the Dark Lord Jojo next time!... Probably not.

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