We don't always like being nonplussed

Friday, October 29, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 20 (I... I think think they want me to catch Jesus.)

As I exit the city to go on to the next town, Godzilla comes up to talk to me about something.

Yes, diff'rent from the rest of us is Belle. Our butts fit though doors without trouble.
Her name is Belle, by the way, though I don't intend to call her that most of the time. I've never been a fan of the "cute but stupid" anime friend meme, and I don't think that's going to change because of some girl that totally destroyed my room. As I had been expecting, she wants to fight me. I really do dislike this girl, though not even because of her personality. It's because in combat, she'll just keep using healing items over and over again, so most of the time your only option is a one hit knock out.

Anyway, once the battle is over I'm pleased to see that she's given me HM 02, which seems to contain Fly. I'm glad that I don't seem to have missed any HMs along the way, but also glad that I raised up a bird Pokemon just for this reason. I'm not sure if I can even use fly yet, but I'll check now.

Yes. Yes I can.

I decide to go back to the first town to get my Pokedex evaluated, and to my surprised she gives me a TM for the work I've done. I like that, you should get rewards for doing that work for the Professors, and Bladdernut here is setting a good example. And holy crap, they just gave me another one! Awesome!

Anyway, it's back to Route 6 to continue our Pokemon journey!

Kaburumo, the Stag Beetle in a Snuggie Pokemon.
Caught this guy along the way, he's called Kaburumo, or as I'm going to call him, Bugly. Why? Because nearly as I can tell, he has no alibi. Yes, that's right, I just went all third grade up in this walkthrough.

Then there's this little lady... fella... does it really matter? It's like an elf. Male or female, they look exactly the same.

Shikijika, the... I dunno, but it looks like a Pokemon Dr. Seuss would draw.
I think I just caught Bambi... Well, that name works as well as any other, like Shikijika... I hope the last one I killed wasn't it's mother. Talk about an awkward relationship between Pokemon and trainer.

So it's over the river and through the woods, but I see no grandmother's house...

Well, it's a house. In Pokemon Black. What else is there to say?
Or I may very well be wrong about that. That would be somewhat amusing to me, if only because that nursery rhyme is always on repeat somewhere in the back of my mind, slowly driving me to madness.

Aha! It is a house of SCIENCE! Pokescience, no doubt.
Unless Grandma has some really, really strange habits that I don't know about, like gene splicing, I don't think this is her place. Anyway, the man on the left of the room seems to want some sort of Pokemon from me, but I don't know what it is, so I'll have to come back to that later on when I have fifty years to try to trade him each Pokemon individually... Ok, probably not then. I make my way back outside to wander around the grass area for a moment to see if I missed anything, and the answer there is pretty quick.

Kurumayu, the this must be the day for Pokemon in Snuggies Pokemon.
This guy is Kurumayu, the evolution of Kurumiru. I already have his preevolution, but I'll keep him anyway, and call him Blank, short for Blanket.

And then there's this guy...

Tamagetake, the Desk Lamp Mushroom Pokemon.
I wonder at this natural camouflage... What would the point be? "Make yourself look like a Pokeball so trainers will think you've already been caught"? Tamagetake is it's name, but I'm going to have to call it Shroo, short for Shroom. No, it's not a drug reference, it's just what I call mushrooms... Yes, really... That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Which brings us to another interesting thing. Over a short bridge a little bit to the left of the house here, there's a field. In the field there are what looks like Pokeballs in the grass, but when you attempt to pick them it turns out they're the mushroom Pokemon again. Directly north of this is a house with three people in it, the child gives you a Shiny Stone, and the mother will heal you for free. I approve of this, and believe that everyone should give me free things, and let me sleep in their house whenever I want.

I should add that next to the house is a field with quite a lot of high level and double encounters, so this is a perfect area to raise your Pokemon. I recommend level 40 at least.

The electric web is super-effective at catching Flying types.
To the north of the house is some sort of cave, with a neon spiderweb in front of it. I can only assume that this is the dwelling of a very flamboyant spider, and we all know that those are the worst kind. I head up and examine it, and the cowboy/White Shaft from the previous town comes up and talks to me about something, possibly Popsicles, and then sends out his Meguroku to take down the web, for as we all know, alligators and spiders are natural enemies. He also gives me a TM for some reason, but I'm ok with that because I'm a pretty cool dude.

This all accomplished, it's time to head inside!

Next week. Till then, keep your Pokeballs ready!

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