We don't always like being nonplussed

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 3 (Is your monkey part of a balanced diet?)

So I make my way off to Route 2 to see what I can find, and I instantly notice there are a number of trainers doing their traditional sitting in one spot and spinning in a circle, indicating that they want to fight, and will try to kill you on sight. I anxiously start making my way toward them, when I receive a phone call... from who, you ask? My mom. She shows up in the middle of the route, likely to bring me clean underwear, and... I have no idea what the item she just gave me is, but if it turns out to actually be clean underpants, I might laugh myself silly.

Oh sweet! She mentioned the B button, so I know what this is! Yes! It's running shoes! Thank Arceus! I was getting sick to death of wondering how I was the slowest ten year old on the planet, but I'm happy to see that things are going to start picking up pace around here. Speaking of which, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm probably not going to tell you about every battle I get into in the wild, or every trainer battle that I get into. It would just end up making this thing boring, and that's not what I'm going for at all.

Anyway, it looks like I'm in the need for some level grinding. Level ten now, let's shoot for level fifteen.

A quick interjection, in the middle of my leveling, I ran into some sort of adorable cat pokemon. I decided on the spot that had to catch it, but Pigno being level 12 and it being level 5... well, that didn't end well. I was sure I wouldn't see another for some time since I had been leveling for more than half an hour and this was the first I had seen it, but it turns out I was wrong, and the next battle was a level 4 one of these guys! Lovely! I throw what I assume is Ember at it, and it ALMOST kills it, which leads to a successful catch!

Choroneko is now ...Scat? I don't think I want to know what its attacks are.
And a REALLY poor choice of name, in hindsight. His real name is Choroneko, for those of you that are interested.

My pokemons, let me show you them.

Pants, party of three.
I decided to put Scat in my computer, partly because I really doubt I would use him that much, but mostly for that line of sentence right back there. Isn't it just great? Anyway, let's move north.

As I'm making my way up the route toward the next town (fighting two random trainers with no good pokemon to their names), I run into my old friend, uhh, blond girl with pointy hair, huge ass and green hat. Ah, the times we've had together. This is my first multiple pokemon battle against a trainer, and it seems that she's gotten herself a Soggy (Yooteri), and has gotten her Fernliz up to level 7, (maybe I should look it's name up?... yeah) also known as Tsutarja in the real world. The battle didn't go well for her, I have to say, since my party is all level 15 or close to it.

So the next town looks quite interesting so far. A few residences, a pokemon center, and this guy right here.
Pants decides to leave the obvious event for later and walk on by.
Look at that guy. You just know the second you talk to him there's going to be trouble. Yeah, he's cool and he knows it, but the more important thing is that you know it, and know deep down that no matter what, you will never be that cool.

Just kidding, he kind of looks like a dork. Anyway, there's a big building that doesn't have an event waiting on the steps, so let's go to it first.

Looks to me like some sort of school from the tables and blackboard. That or it could be the world's worst amusement park, but I doubt it ever so slightly. There's a familiar looking head of hair over by the blackboard, so let's go talk to it! It's the Librarian, and it looks like he's asking me a lot of questions, so I just hit yes for everything and hope for the best... Yep, he wants to fight, that's for the best. He has a Scat (Choroneko) that's level seven, and his... ok, I'll look the name up, Mijumaru, is level eight... and we kind of just plowed over him... Yep. I guess I'll go see the guy in front of that door now.

Well, I have no idea what he just said, but he was nice enough to move out of the way for me, so that's ok then. This might be a gym, I think... maybe. There are a couple of statues with pokeballs on them outside, so I'm going to place my bet on that.

Definitely a Gym.
Yup, that's a Pokemon Gym.

I have to step on the floor tile that's strong against the picture on the curtain, not too hard. That opens the way to the next area where... wait...
Today's secret ingredient is: YOOTERI!
See, that actually bothers me a bit... think about it. Look at the tray he's carrying. There are pokeballs on it... why is a waiter serving live pokemon to people? This is the worst idea for a restaurant I've ever heard of! Gah! I mean... ugh! Anyway, I take him out easily enough, so no worries there.

Another generic goon, this time a waitress with nothing worth mentioning, and we're to the gym leader! Ha! He's the dorky looking guy! That means this fight is going to be MUCH harder than I thought it was going to be. Why? Come on, it's a well known fact that the people in pokemon that look like dorks tend to be much better fighters than the cool guys, the exception to this being Lt.Surge, and any member of the Elite 4 or rivals.

Well, time to see what he can do!
Okay, it's just Mr. Blue Hair, then?
Uh... what? Do I have to battle all three of them? Because... that would be kind of bad ass... No, it just looks like I have to battle this guy.
I swear it says his name is Corn. Pants Vs. Corn! Round 1- FIGHT!
And his Soggy, which I take out fairly quickly, which just leaves his...
Enter Broccolonkey, or Hayappu to people attached to using the correct names for things.
Is that a monkey with blue broccoli growing out of it's head? I ...think it is. Who cares! It's still pretty cool looking, and sure as hell beats Bidoof! Let's see how tough this thing is...

Ow. So, Broccolonkey (Hayappu) took out my Sqirk, but that's ok. My Pigno took him out in spite of the fact that he's weak against water, which makes me feel pretty bad ass at the moment.
The Pokemon Black and White Badges are weird-looking.
Hells yeah, my first badge! I'm gonna call it the paper rock scissors badge, since let's be honest, that's what the starting elements all represent.

That's going to wrap it up for today, more tomorrow!... Probably with a few less pictures, to be honest. I still need a lot of practice at this to get good at taking them...


  1. ... you write a blog about playing Japanese games even though you don't know Japanese.

    ... that is awesome. Sublimely simple, but awesome.

  2. Heh, thanks! Your blog's really impressive too- every NES game? That's going to take some serious time and dedication...
