We don't always like being nonplussed

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 23 (It's Kind of Dead in Here.)

Yep, this place is definitely a graveyard of some sort...

Yup, very graveyardy.
Doesn't it ever bother anyone that there are graveyards all over for Pokemon, yet I have never seen a single one for people? Do you just throw Granddad into the street when he croaks, or is there someone that comes by in a garbage truck?

Anyway, I... umm... I... umm

Hitomoshi, the Candle Pokemon. That's pretty cute, actually!
That thing is just adorable. Hitomoshi is its name, but I'm going to call it Jack... If you know why, you may be in trouble even n...

Moving on.

There's one trainer on this floor that strikes me as mildly amusing. He is obviously a father that has taken his daughter to visit the grave of a dead Pokemon, and this is nothing strange or creepy. What I find amusing is this.

We're visting all the dead Pokemon! YAYYY!
Look at the man's shirt. I'm told this game is supposed to be based in the U.S. somewhere, and that's why there are none of the traditional Japanese Pokemon... That shirt proves that even in the world of Pokemon, there are Japanophiles... And I'm ok with that, because lets be honest, I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't at least a little bit of one myself.

Well, looks like it's up another set of stairs...

Wow, that's a lot of Pokemon Trainers.
And into another fairly simple maze-like room. I've got to mention that the random encounters in this place are many, but for the most part too low level to really be of that much help to me. The trainers on the other hand are doing wonders for raising my grass monkey. If you have one, I recommend keeping an Amulet Coin on your lead Pokemon at all times. ALL TIMES!

There's a Nurse trainer by the foot of the next set of stairs, so I'm guessing that I'm either half way through the tower, or the next level is the last.

Ah, so this locale is the Tower of Heaven. Thanks for the straightforward katakana, Pokemon Black!
Looks like it's the half way mark to me.

Riguree, the diaper head Pokemon. What Brand, you ask? Well, it Depends.
Is this thing wearing an adult diaper on it's head? I think it is, and that makes me wonder about so many things, but I'll try not to get into them at the moment. I'm calling him DyPer, but for future reference his name is Riguree.

Anyway, it's up another set of stairs, and I think that I'm at the top.

Yeah, this reeks of boss fight.
There are subtle clues, but I'm good at picking up on them. The girl in blue, or what I've come to think is a girl, talks to me for a moment and then steps aside. I guess I'm supposed to do this,

So, a bell. Or Pokebell, I guess.

Which, call me nuts, I think has something to do with ringing a bell... Don't ask me why I know this, some of us are just more in tune with the flow of the cosmos, that's all.

Yep, there was bell ringing involved. The girl yells at me, obviously jealous of my bad bell ringing skills, then heads off. Now I could escape rope out with the one I have from... god knows where, or I could walk back down through to see if there are any important plot points...

*cue repel*

I think I'll walk.

Nope, don't seem to have missed anything. So it's back to town, a quick stay in the Pokemon center, and then off to the gym!

Tomorrow. Sorry guys, you know the drill by now. I have to cut off right before the interesting part, or else you won't hate me.

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