We don't always like being nonplussed

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 34 (In which I think I messed up the pictures, but can't guess how.)

I make my way outside of the cave, ready to face the Elite 4, and!...

You see the Dragons BEFORE the Dungeon? That seems kind of... backward.
Well fuck, I forgot the dungeon always comes right after the gates you have to pass to get to them. Man, I feel dumb right about now... But on this plus side, this thing looks freaking awesome in every way. I'm going to try to be a little more detailed here, so bear with me.

You find yourself in a cave- there's a stream here. Roll a Spot Check.
The first room is a pretty straight line, just go up to the stairs to go to the next level. If you follow the stream up north, there's some sort of item on a small island, it's probably worth getting.

The next level is pretty much a straight line out of the cave, but while I was on my way out I was attacked by one of these, and trust me they're tough.

Aianto, the Pokemon whose name- a pun on the words 'Iron' and 'Ant' -will NEVER translate properly.
It's called an Aianto, but I'm calling mine Aunt, since the one I caught was a girl. I'm glad I still had Pokemon that was in his 40s, because the rest of my party would have plowed right through it. I walk out through the cave door and I'm given a small scene of two trainers above me on a ledge, talking about something.

We've all played Zelda: Link to the Past, Dude. We KNOW what the gaps in railings are for.
The purpose of their conversation seems to be to tell me that I can slide down the rocky, dangerously sharp looking cliff on my ass... As my character is between ten and fourteen, and a male, I accept this and go to do so at the ledge on my right.

No sooner do I hit the bottom than I'm attacked by this thing:

Kuitaran, the Flaming Anteater of JUSTICE! Pokemon.
Kuitaran, but I'm going to call him Aard, since he's an Aardvark.

Anyway, it's the only way to go, since the upper path continues to a dead end. As soon as I do though, I run into this:

Actually, Monozu is Dark and Dragon. -Ed.
I think I'm going to call this one Emo, because he looks like what would happen if an emo kid and a Pokemon had a frightening bastard love child. It's real name is Monozu, though, and I think it's dark and... water? Possibly.

Anyway, go up the only set of stairs in this room and into the next, since the door at the bottom of the room is just a way that will lead you back through. The stairs at the top lead you farther on in your journey, and also to a trainer battle. He has Pokemon that are fairly weak against fire as far as I can tell, so I recommend them to make the battle easier on yourself.

Back outside and I see that I'm not where the guys I saw earlier were, and about thirty thousand different paths I could take. I decide to go with the first one to make things simple, and run into a trainer, this one with a fair amount of psychic Pokemon, and one asshole who constantly uses Dig over and over again.

I head back outside and check the next door to see if its path is any more likely to be the one I'm supposed to take, and of course there's another trainer there. He's got fighting types, but it's worth the kind of tough battle because above him is a doctor battle!... Shame I just used an ether after beating him!

It seems that no matter the route I take it's going to lead me to pretty much the same place, so I'll start with the path of the right most door of the two paths up. Past a trainer with the three monkey evolutions and out onto a ledge, I pick up an item that looks like some sort of purple diamond. It looks to be an equip item, but I'll leave it be for now since I'm happy with my Amulet Coin. Back down, to the left, and up again I make a quick stop by the Pokemon doctor, then head up the steps. The door on the level leads out to a ledge with two sliding ramps. I take a guess and slide down the left most hillside, and land by a door which allows me to get an item I couldn't before. It continues on to the left from here as a long bridge, which dead ends in a wall.

Back up past the Pokemon doctor, and then up the set of steps to the north, and it's another trainer battle.

Man, look at the blur! Lucky shot! -Ed.
The thing I can't get across is how quick this guy is moving back and forth, like a father-to-be in a waiting room while his wife is giving birth, waiting to hear if everything he hoped could be is true, and his sports team won. After I beat him, I see that there are two doors out from this room, one leads to an item, the other leads me to a ledge with two drops... Well, I think I'll take the one on the right first, which leads me to a ledge roughly three levels down that I haven't been to before, so I guess it was the right call. I go inside and up a flight of stairs to another trainer battle, who is actually a pretty damn tough cookie to beat. After I do, I take the stairs up, then another set of stairs down to check what's there, push a rock forward because I think it'll be a shortcut the next time I come here (pushed rocks now stay moved, this is awesome) and then take the little side route that pushing the rock opens to check for items.

There is no item, but something much, much better to be had here. Yes, it's moose/donkey/horse number three!

Yay, Third Moose!

I... I think it's a cow... Who the hell cares? I'm catching him! He's not that strong, so it's hard to keep from killing him... But in the end,

Terrakion, the... Bear in a Spider Hat Pokemon?
I have a new best friend... who can sit in a box somewhere. His name is Terakion, and I think I'll leave it as that, because I left the other two of this trio nameless... Though just so everyone knows, I would call this guy Cowdy.

Anyway, it's back up the stairs and then...

Ooh, fancy...Sweetness abounds.

The Elite Four awaits!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have Arrived.

But I'm afraid that's where I'm going to have to call it for today. Tune in tomorrow when I'll do my best to give you a detailed walkthrough of the Elite 4!

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