We don't always like being nonplussed

Monday, December 6, 2010

Torneko Day 6: And now we do it all backwards!

So here's Floor 10. Cold!
The room to the south has stairs leading up- that's new -and a scroll for the Io spell, better known as Bang. One of a very few spells to have the same name across all US Dragon Quest/Warrior games! It should hit everything on screen for respectable damage, so that's a keeper. I also find another fire breath herb, so I eat a Big Bread from my inventory to make room. A couple rooms later I come across this:

No clue what that is, but I need to make room again. Time to ditch one of the three or four Inpasu scrolls- not sure what that does. Might be the exit spell, in which case I don't need all of them. Not immediately anyway.

Okay, Torneko just did the Zelda I-found-something-important pose and I got a happy little tune to go with it. Maybe I should think about getting out of here. So let's see if I'm right about the Inpasu scrolls!

Nope! It identifies unknown items, which will be good to have since I don't want to take off my shiny Plus Fours for a cursed item. So now I'll try the Zoom Herb.

Nope, just warps me elsewhere on this floor, as I thought. Hope those up stairs take me out.

Yup! I guess that box was the goal, and now the stairs have reversed direction so I have to fight my way back out. I'm not seeing any new treasure, so I guess I'll just get out fast as I can. Pretty easy- the enemies are getting progressively weaker the closer to the top I get, and I make it to Level 10 on my way through. Not that it matters since my level will reset once I go through this exit.

Torneko escapes with his life and the all-important box! Whatever it is. And there was much rejoicing.

Back to the throne room. Not sure what the king is saying, but he seems well pleased. I talk to everybody and leave the throne room, and we get the Dragon Quest Level Up tune before cutting to Torneko's shop. I guess we won the right to set up shop here!

A thought which is reinforced by the fact that Mrs. Taloon and Torneko's son seem to be congratulating him. And after a conversation I can't read, it's sleepytime. A brief conversation with a yes/no question later, and I walk out the back door of the shop.

...and it's right back to the dungeon, at Level 1, with nothing in my inventory but a Big Bread. Back to square one it seems. It also seems like a good place to leave off for now!

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