We don't always like being nonplussed

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 24 (Inset Hervé Villechaize Quote Here.)

It's off to the gym now, I'm going to put my fire piggy in front of the party, mostly because I'm hoping this will be a few easy levels for him.

I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
Yep, this is a gym. I can tell by some of the pixels, and having seen quite a few gyms in my day... Sorry, I couldn't resist the joke. Anyway, the gimmick of this gym is that it seems to launch you from cannons... Yes, you heard me, it launches you from cannons.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit being shot out of cannons.
These things, to be exact. Anyway, as I was expecting, my Enbuoo is allowing me to make pretty quick work of this gym, at least so far. The cannon puzzle looks pretty straight forward, so I'm hoping it's not too deceiving.

And I appear to have been wrong about that. It looks like you not only approach the cannons from the sides that have little arrows telling you to climb in, but any side you can simply walk up to. Oh goody.

Well, I wish I could have gotten a picture of my character as he was shot out of a cannon and into a steel wall, but alas it didn't last long, and I was laughing far too hard. The puzzle is pretty simple, if you just remember that when you can approach the single cannon from the side that doesn't have a fence blocking it off, you do that.

Fuuro, the Flying Gym Leader!
And we're to the gym leader. I note the large cannon behind them, and wonder if I lose to them if they'll fire off a twenty-one me salute... Or maybe if I win. Some people are sore losers.

She'd be a lot cuter if she didn't look like she was wearing a giant pacifier in her hair.
... Yep... that's a girl... or at least I hope to God it is, or I may have to look into a few lifestyle changes... Big ones...

The battle seems to be going as expected, then, suddenly!

Swanna, the Surly Swan Pokemon.
Swan as if from nowhere! I'm pointing this out to you because right now, the most dramatic music I have ever heard in conjunction with a swan is playing, and it just makes this battle a bit surreal.

Cue Pigno using a pile of his strongest fire techniques, cue gym leader using a big damn pile of super potions, and I come out of it the victor... Let's take another look at that gym leader, shall we?

Which airline uses this pilot uniform? No reason, just thinking about booking a trip.
... Sorry, Moving on!

Jet Badge!

Woohoo! That's badge!... I don't even know anymore, but it's starting to feel like badge 3.14159, and it's just irrational of me to think that. Another TM out of the way, her saying the number 70, which I guess means I can control Pokemon from other games up to level 70, and now I want out of this wacky circus, thank you very much.

Yup, he's a ninja- Believe it! (Sorry, sorry, I know we're all trying to forget about that part of the Naruto dub.)
FUCK! This guy knows my every move! Did he hide a tracking device on me or something? Is he just hiding behind trees and cars, waiting for me to be least suspecting, so he can ask me questions that I can't read and simply agree to? Probably. That's what most other final bosses do in Pokemon games. It's a hobby.

That's all for today, fellow trainers. More to come tomorrow!

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