We don't always like being nonplussed

Monday, September 20, 2010

Flailthroughs - Jump Superstars! (Part 16)

Ok, where was I?... Ah, yes, Mt.Fuji Mk2!

I guess it's best to enter the random stage and see what's up, so let's take a look together! Yaywe'refriends!!!!!11

Apparently this stage involves Naruto punching you and killing you instantly... that sounds like a really simple stage, at least in theory, but I'm afraid that it's not that simple. No, it seems to be another one of those stages where you can't. get. hit. a. single. time.

I don't know if the amount of bile that I've had for these stages has quite soaked through in my last few posts, but let me tell you quite clearly, there is a lot of it... oh my yes. I hate this more than "protect the important character," stages in other video games, because your P.D. (Primary Dumbass) has a very bad habit of running head first into combat. I hate them more because these stages are MY fault when I lose them, and it's just annoying to be reminded that you suck...

Ok... going to keep trying. Wish me luck.

Ok... he just sent a woman with an umbrella and a giant puppy after me, and it went right through all of my attacks... attempt number three now...

Ok, that finally managed to do it. I simply unloaded all of my power gauge on him as quickly as I could, (have I not mentioned the power gauge? Well, there's a power gauge) and killed him, then ran like a frightened hedgehog until the time ran out. Not only was it enough to finish the stage, but it got me three things! I don't know what they are, but yay things! That's the end of the Fuji experience it seems, and I'm making my way back to penis world. *shudder*

Once again, I find myself far closer to the penis blimp than I'm comfortable with, but I'm afraid it's the only way to get to the stage I need to be on... which, to my pleasure seems to be a very nice, very pretty forest. Oh! And I see our friend Naruto is back, (yes, I'm using his real name now, I'll explain the name I used early at the end) wanting to fight me yet again, obviously angry that I managed to beat him by running away like a little bitch. Ha! Well I'll show you! I'll keep running away like a little bitch, so there!

Uhhh... ok... you seem to launch frightening dog-bats that blind me for about ten seconds, but I kicked your ass!

Flight of the Frightening Dog-Bats in Jump Superstars
... But I still lost... No counter that I can see, so I don't need to hump chests or barrels across the stage, nor collect the leavings of the fruit pirates... Ring outs maybe? Well... let's give it a shot and see how that works, because I'd like to move far away from the penis ship soon.

Ok... ok, so that only took between five and six tries. It turns out the big goal was to destroy all of the walls on the stage... that's fine, though. Sure, we haven't had a stage with that goal since world one, but that's perfectly fine *twitch* because now we're moving on... It looks like one of the upcoming stages is probably Kami-sama's tower. I hope to get there soon, so let's check out the next stage!

Err... I can't really decide if that symbol is a directional pad from a Super Nintendo, or some sort of religious-themed toothpick, but at least that means a new group of enemies to fight! On we go!

Err... ok, I'm not sure what to say about this guy. He seems to be a knockoff Sephiroth with an automail arm, being followed by a Golden Snitch... who knew the one-winged angel liked Quidditch so much? Ah, who am I kidding, everyone loves Harry Potter!

That's it for today, though, as the penis ship is still looking at me, and it frightens me!

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