We don't always like being nonplussed

Friday, September 24, 2010

Flailthroughs - Jump Superstars! (Part 20)

Ok... so this next stage seems to be either a back to back K stage, or XX stage again... I think it was Hunter X Hunter? I guess we'll see, won't we?

Well that was a giant mess, but I think it's mostly because the stage was loaded with pits, the walls were weak, and the characters were all lightning fast... Me? No, I died like a lemming. I think that they started catching on to the pit trick by this point in time, so I guess the rest of the game could turn out to be fairly hard. The characters were... uhh... I know Kenshin was there... oh! And Sword Guy from One Piece! Then there was... umm... I don't know, they all kind of just attacked at once, so I spent most of the time looking at a pile of pixels. Luffy however proved to be my best option, and you have to love that stretchy little scamp. I only hope that once he retires from pirating, he gets the job in pornography that he deserves.

Ok, on the world map again we're on one of the stages that... umm... it's one of those hexagons again. Not sure what series that was from, so let's find out shall we?..

Ok, long story short, I have NO idea what series that was supposed to be, but apparently it's one where everyone turns into Super Saiyan Vegeta and violates your anus with energy attacks. The tear drop in the background I know I've seen before, though I can only assume it is magic/SCIENCE! and vitally important to the plot of whatever it's from. I did manage to beat it the first try, but I think that it's best to say that's entirely luck. These stages are getting tougher, and I don't think I mind that. Anyway, let's see what happens on the world map...

Another boss stage! Is it wrong of me that I'm starting to miss the boxes a little? Just a little bit, though... ok, I'm not actually missing the boxes, but you get my idea.

This stage seems to be a holy toothpick, so let's... clean... God's teeth?

Well, the answer there seems to be, "everyone from Dragonball Z, and characters from Shaman King." I didn't know there was such religous significance to those series, but I do tend to miss the obvious quite often, so I guess anything is possible. This time I was fighting Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Goku, and Vegeta... Yes, if you know anything about the series that does, in fact, sound like a very, very bad place to be. I'm just lucky that since I was playing normal Goku and the odds were against me, I won. Of course, since this is DBZ, that means that I can only win the first time, and next the others will go, train, and come back more powerful than me... Or I'll die and go train with God, and then end up becoming a tiny god myself. Either or.

... Where was I?...

Oh, look! A tornado! Let's see where it goes!

Back to the world with the Barbie-colored city! Oh JOY!

At least this doesn't seem to be Barbie-colored, so that's one blessing... It's a small island, that's not too bad either... huh... This stage is a... flute, stage? OH! I know where this is going! Obviously this is a Warp Whistle that will take me to world 8-8 where I can finally battle King Koopa!... Probably not, but I'm just wondering how many people here will get that refrence out there. Let's see who we're fighting this time, shall we?

Into the single most demented stage I have seen in this game so far.

Roll out that special head. This is our favorite one. Please don't try to leave. Don't leave the Hall of Heads.

I think I'm actually in love with this stage, it's so bizarre... I mean, look at the floor! The platforms! And is that a giant recorder in the background? Why yes, yes it is! I'm so thrilled with the insanity of this stage that after I beat it, I'm not entirely sure who I killed, I just know that there needs to be MORE stages like that, for the same of craziness. There was even a wooden cat with a recorder for a tail! I just.. I can't express how great it is, seriously... *sigh* Well, I guess it's time to move back to the world map, isn't it? Yeah...

Ok, golden pentagon this time. I damn sure can't remember this series, so I might as well jump in head first and see if it's interesting!

Yeah, the pentagon? It's another one of Generic Anime Construction Worker's stages, kind of a let down... though I did enjoy Yugi, and Blond Chick In The Bandanna from Shaman King being there, because it turned out to be a pretty big fight! I do really like it when this game provides a challenge, but I don't like the random, "lol, smack this crate with your butt three thousand times in thirty seconds!" stages, because that's... well, that's just rage-inducing right there. Not that I don't like a game with gimmicks! I love gimmicks, because I think creativity is something we're sorely missing in modern gaming... but you can take a gimmick too far, some times...


Ooooh! This next stage might be new! I don't believe that I've ever seen a hat stage before!... Well, this particular style of hat, I mean. This is a fedorah, as apposed to a baseball cap for Jojo's stages. Let's see what we get here!

Ok... I don't know what this stage is about, other than EVERY FEMALE IN ANIME IS TRYING TO KILL ME ALL AT ONCE!

Goku never did understand women, but they didn't usually all try to kill him at once.
This somehow reminds me of high school, and I'm not sure why... My guess is because of the explosion in the background, and all of the girls pissed off at me at the same time, and I don't know why. Also because much like high school, all of the females are united up until one of them accidentally hits the other one, then it all devolves into infighting... At which point, I send in Naruto and have him fart on them, (best move in the game) which gets them united in killing me again. The walls on this stage are pretty thin too, so that means that while they're running at me all I have to do is jump out of the way, and they all end up pregnant... Wait, sorry, I was stuck on the high school reference still. Anyway, they're pretty hard to be honest, but I do manage to pull myself together and take them out in the end.

That's it for this week, I guess that there's still more to the game, so stay tuned!

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