We don't always like being nonplussed

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Flailthroughs - Jump Superstars! (Part 18)

Alright, so it looks like this might be the last world in the game, as it's a small island with... I'm going to guess maybe four stages, five at most. I could flesh this out with a pictorial of all of the panels that I've unlocked, or an in-depth article about the panel creation system, but I think that it would be pretty boring and drag things out, which isn't the goal of Flailthroughs. That fact in mind, I think it's best if we move on and see what exciting events await us on "The World That Might Have Been! But Probably Wasn't!... Part Of World One!... In The Original Designs!"

Or as I like to call it, TWTMHBBPWPOWOITOD!

Jump Superstars and Flailthroughs Present: TWTMHBBPWPOWOITOD!
The first stage (another green Pokeball stage) is a simple battle, the enemies are Nami/Blond Girl with Bandanna from Shaman King, and Naruto/Jojo. It's actually a fairly simple battle, if you take simple to mean I spend ninety percent of the stage running like a madman from Nami on a motorcycle, and Jojo's odd purple ghost thing. I can't really even come up with something to say about this stage, other than I'm not sure about the mix of cacti and trees that leads me to believe that the designers of this game know nothing about plant-life, weather patterns, or life outside of a major urban environment. Let's see what we have next, yes?

Ah, I can tell by the triangular Cheez-it that this is another Yu-gi-oh stage, and that's fine with me since I think I've fought just about everyone else to death...

Ahh, those famous Yu-gi-oh characters; Piccolo, Goten, Leprechaun, and Black-Haired Girl possibly from One Piece, thankfully this is another stage with a pit on it, and this time the characters seem so drunk, or possibly brain damaged, that they literally fall into it trying to get at me... I am not joking, this happened at least twenty times. I actually had to move to the edge of the pit and just start punching them as they fell, so that I would get some form of kill count. As a result, I also seem to have cleared every single objective on this stage in one go... I really should do more with those panels, but this close to the end, why fix what isn't broken?

I'm starting to see a trend now. All of the stages in this world are B-splosion stages, so this makes me think that soon enough I will be encountering the boss of the game... I wonder who it will be. I'm expecting the furniture thief, but I doubt it, as he is obviously drawn by Akira Toriyama, which means as a short fat man he can only exist for the purposes of comic relief, stealing something only to have it taken from him by a real bad guy, or hanging out with a minor character in order to take the hero somewhere else later. Also, he could in theory marry a girl way out of his league, but then he would either have to be a genius who is also comic relief, or a rich asshole. Anyway, moving on.

This next stage is another one where the symbol is either a black cat, or possibly a bird pooping out a worm that they didn't thoroughly chew. We'll have to see how this one pans out, as I can't come up with anything that witty to say about painful bowel movement bird stage just by looking at the world map.

Wow, who knew the combination of Yugi, Bobobo and Kenshin would prove so painful?... Well ok, I guess I can see it. Yugi can use his cards to create monstrous effects (pun intended) and Kenshin sure can do some powerful murdering with his reverse-bladed sword... though we kind of knew that already. Combine them with Bobobo and his mighty nose hairs and you've got a giant a stage where you're getting bounced around like a pachinko ball in a washing machine, only instead of a washing machine it's more like a pachinko machine... so, yeah... Anyway, moving on!

Well it looks like this next stage might be the last one!... Again! It would appear to be Naruto-themed, and I think at the time this came out it was their number one seller (and still is) so they would want to make the BBEG (Big Bad Evil Guy) someone from that series. I'm both intrigued, and pensive. I have been enjoying this game, but to be honest once I'm done I don't think I'll be trying it again. It's fun, and it's a neat gimmick, but... well, a lot of games have better gimmicks in my opinion.

Anyway, lets fight!

I really, really hope that wasn't the last stage. Yes, Naruto was in it, but there was no bad guy. Yugi was also in it, as well as Sakura and... someone else, I don't even remember.


Just sat there and shoved the poor bastards into pits, over, and over, and over again. Half of the time when they would come at me, they would simply stop moving, standing between me and a pit. It was like they managed to forget where they were and what they were doing somewhere between rushing at me and hitting me, and they stopped to contemplate the possible choices they had in this situation. I am sorry to say, however, that they simply had one option. Get pushed down a pit by Goku. Well, I guess that wraps it up for...

Another tornado... Damn it! This game has more false stops than a crossing guard on acid! It's not that I'm not fine with playing more, but for the love of anime, what the hell?! Now I'm back in the Barbium 90 radioactive world? How does that even make sense!? Oh, and there's another boss stage, and this time it's Jojo!

Once again in a Barbie World, but That Guy is not a Barbie Girl.
Ok, I think... I think that's it for me today, I need a good stiff drink of fish, and then I'll keep going. Thanks gang!

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