We don't always like being nonplussed

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 5 (Everybody's got something to hide, `cept for me and my Yanappu.)

Well, I'll save you the details on all of the power leveling I did, let's just say the end result of fighting in the new area for a few hours is this:

Pank, AKA Munna
So named because he is a Piggy Bank, also know as Munna.

Then this guy:
Pwala, or TabunneWho I named Pwala, because he is a Pink Kowala... it's not inventive, I know... shut up.

As well as these evolutions!

Pigno is now a Chaobu!
Sqirk is now a Miruhog!I would like to talk for a moment about the evolution animation... this..
I always assumed Pokeballs used transporter technology.

Do you see that there? That's a swirling cloud of pokemon bits. This is the new evolution animation, and quite frankly it's frightening to me. I don't think I would want my pokemon to evolve, since to do so seems to mean they explode, cause a tornado, then reassemble themselves into the new form. Seriously, that's kind of warped. Think about it. You're celebrating with your pokemon after a big fight, all of the sudden there's a flash of light, and your pokemon is a typhoon of animal parts flying through the air! That would make me give up being a trainer, and probably meat as well.

Anyway, back to the plot, if there is one. I figure at this point I'm supposed to return to the creepy lady's lab, so I make my way there and watch her jump up and down like a loon. The dialog randomly has the words "Wi-Fi" in it, and that's fine with me, because so far other than playing with the mystery gift option, I haven't found much of anything to do with it. She has now handed me something, it is called the "C*katakana*" and it may be her life's work... it's a shame her life's work wasn't working on being less creepy.
IR? Does this game support Pokewalkers?

Ok, I'm not really sure what this is, but I have a feeling that it's really important for some reason. Ah! I may have just been given my Palpad to go along with it, which tells me for the most part this is likely to battle other trainers! Not that I'll be doing any of that, but why not play around with it so I can see how it works?

Well, I hit the Wi-Fi option and... uh, I don't actually know what's going on here.

Do you want to use the Wi-Fi Connection? Select YES to deposit soul.
It seems to want to devour my soul, so I press yes as I'm pretty sure the pokemon franchise already has dibs on it, and I'm sent through a few other random menus, then asked to pick a pokemon. I pick a spare Pank that I have on hand, and the game puts it in a bed... Ok, that's sweet, but is there a real reason behind this? Probably not would be my guess. I'm honestly not sure what to do here... so I think we'll move on with the plot! Yay plot!

Well, the old bastard lets me walk past him now, so I guess I should continue down this route for a while and see what happens.

It looks like the daycare is what happens. I have to admit, the daycare is one aspect of these games that I never use unless I'm breeding, so I'm not that impressed... I do however want to know what the adorable pokemon running around in circles in the fenced off area are, because I want them.
Pokemon Daycare!
There's also a child daycare center next door, which... sweet! They heal my pokemon up for me! That's... really odd now that I think about it. Why would a daycare center have the needed technology to heal pokemon on hand, unless... Unless either they use it on the children, or, and stay with me here, those children are pokemon. Maybe some sort of psychic projection, or perhaps just a mass of Ditto that have been trained to keep a human shape. It make sense, you train them to look like the person's children, they go home, then at night turn back into Dittos and slip back to their trainer. Then they sell the child off for a tidy profit, and no one is happy.

Bastards... still, it's a good place to heal up while level grinding, so I'm willing to overlook the children as food market for now.
How old IS this kid?

... Are you seeing what I'm seeing here? Yes, that was an enemy trainer. He had a Dunky just like me, but... damn youth these days are violent.
I am gonna feel like such a failure if the toddler trainers beat me when I play this. -Ed.
Damn, there are just piles of these little bastards everywhere, and all of them with their monkeys! Well, no, not all of them, but three out of five do... Well, three out of four battles, one was a double battle with a pair of creepy looking twins that you just know when they grow up are going to end up committing crimes against humanity and/or nature... and three steps down the line, our friend the Librarian shows up to battle me! YayIdon'tcare. He's fairly easy to beat, since his Mijumaru is only level 15 and my Yanappu is a higher level, and a grass type, so it doesn't last long. He then sends out his Choroneko, which is level twelve, but once again I prove that at this point the only reason to battle me is if you want to lose money.

As soon as the battle ends, a few members of the Knightly Order of Plasma run through us and make their way off stage left... I mean they take the road to the left, which I think is where the next town is located. Blond Girl with Huge Ass then shows up with a little kid, and I'm going to have to guess that they stole either his pokemon, or an item that I'll need or want later in the game. Why do I guess that? Because it's a pokemon game. I can picture how this conversation went, too.

Kid: "Team Plasma just stole my McGuffin, won't you help me!?"
Pants: "That's... That's a real shame, Kid. I feel for you, and I'll be glad to help you... But first, I'm going to go to that small patch of grass and kick it for a couple of hours to see if anything neat attacks me."

Because that's what I'm going to do.

Sorry this update wasn't as interesting as others, but stay tuned and I'm sure something will happen!

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