We don't always like being nonplussed

Monday, April 4, 2011

Romancing Saga 2: Load the Last Dance for Me

There's one more path on this map.

The decor and windy SFX lead me to believe this will take me back to the Savannah. Maybe I can storm those guard towers now, or something? But since there's little else to do in Mermaid, let's give it a shot either way.

Aha! After riding the sand-currents back and forth I find a bridge to the south- don't think Fritz ever found one of those. Explore! Explore! And Regret! Regret not being smart enough to stay at the inn back in town!

On the other side of the bridge is... more desert.

And these NightHawks, which have an 800-damage group attack. Reset! Reset!

My last save is right before the second two dances. So I try a few more things. Interestingly it is ALWAYS daylight when you exit the bar via that back door, so you can't possibly be in the dancer's path when she exits. So I play through this whole scenario again, and then decide to head to Morbelm and see if anybody likes the Tsubame thing there. Nope. Nor Morama. Nor Nuono, Tifarr, or any other town I visit. So here I am with a plot-thingy and no place to take it. And no leads on pretty much any other story point.

I guess I could always give Lake Wyringa a look. Probably I can deal with the fish a bit better now. We'll give that a try tomorrow!

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