We don't always like being nonplussed

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 14 (Comb the desert! Do you hear me?! Comb the desert!)

Alright, so with the party all level 28, I decide to make my way back to the main road to talk to the gym leader with silly hair, who's waiting at the end of the road, apparently to send me to die a slow, painful death in the desert... Or to be beaten to death by the countless trainers, and either way I'm up for it. Just so you know, there's a little house right by the side of the road that heals you if you talk to the man inside. This is pretty handy for leveling reasons.

The constant sandstorm over the area that saps your HP little by little in battles is a bit annoying, but thankfully it doesn't take enough of your health to be anything more than annoying, if you've leveled out your party like I recommend. I would also like to remind everyone to keep their dousing machine up in this area, as there are items all over the place, if you don't mind the constant combat to get to them.

So once you reach the other side of the desert there are two paths to take, one which seems to go straight to the next city, and the other which leads to a small dot on the map. Since it doesn't look like where I'm supposed to head, and there hasn't been anything really interesting to take a picture of yet, we'll side track for a bit.

The area seems to be filled with trainers, and another trainer doctor right by the door in so you can heal your pokemon. I'm sure there's something else here, so I'm going to scour the area to see what I can find.

Koaruhie, the duck dyed blue Pokemon.
What the hell am I looking at? It looks like this trainer caught herself a duck, painted it blue, and then told people it was a pokemon... Ok crazy lady, I'll kill the duck for you.

After I kill the duck, I begin exploring again, seeing if I can't find something other than sand and... well, more sand, and that's when I stumble on this.

A tower in the middle of a desert. ...Figaro Castle?
It really hurts to stumble on something like that, but anyway it sure as hell looks neat, or like someone didn't knock down a sand castle they left behind.

It says 'Desumasu: Soul Pokemon.' Guessing that's Japanese shorthand for 'Deathmask.' -Ed.
One step through the door and I encounter this creepy little bastard. Now, I know some animals have fake heads or faces, so that predators will attack the wrong end. I know that some pokemon are based off of real animals as well... But I can't for the life of me figure out what he's supposed to be. I'm going to call him Face, but his actual name is Desumasu, and I think I might go to the trouble of raising him up.

Sadly there's nothing inside of this area, since in Pokemon anything over an inch tall is a cliff, and I can't walk over the tiny ledge.

That always bugged me too- those ledges are NOT steep. -Ed.
Ok, I think, and call me crazy, that I might have found something...

Significant!I go inside to have a bit of a look around. Not too much worth mentioning, but there seem to be a small number of trainers around, and they have some... pretty freaky pokemon.
Shinbora, the Wouldn't Look Out of Place Silhouetted on Link's Shield Pokemon.
Not too many trainers, actually, though I note they have an excess of deep, frightening pits in here.

Pants pits himself against the dungeon.
The man by the stairs refuses to let me take them, but I think that I'm going to see if I can't take one of those pits down to the next level... And I can. Awesome, just one single room... Oh well, at least I can remember this place for later, and do a bit of leveling while I'm here, since from what I'm seeing here, I don't think I'm quite up to the next gym.

Ishizumai, the... I don't know, Crab That Lives Under a Rock Pokemon, I guess?

Well, looks like I caught a... oh hell, I don't even know, but I'm going to call him Craby, since he's... yeah. Anyway, his real name is Ishizumai, I think.

Umm, yeah...

Marakacchi, the Bunny-eared Cactus Pokemon.

These pokemon are getting a little bit wacky if you ask me, but this guy, Marakacci, seems pretty much to fill the cute quota for the game. I'll call him Cacti.

And uhh...
Pokemon Black and White take some flak for the new Pokemon designs, but I rather like these. -Ed.

Yep... Shinbora here is... I don't even know where to start, nor can I come up with any description beside that he looks like a pile of Unown that flew through the gift shop on a reservation. I'm calling him Tpole, since I'm pretty sure he's supposed to look like a totem pole.

I'd like to say I'm sorry, I don't think this update was all that interesting to be honest. I think I'll call it here since I've got a lot of power leveling to do, and I'll start again tomorrow.

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