We don't always like being nonplussed

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pokemon Black - Day 9 (If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise.)

So before I ran off to see what was going on in the plot, I decided to do a quick bit of level grinding... that would be when I caught this little fella!

Otamaru, the earmuff Pokemon. Muffr to his friends.
Meet Muffr! I call him that because he looks like he's wearing ear muffs, but his actual name is Otamaru, and he's the first Water pokemon I've been able to catch! This little guy is going straight into the party, and getting his butt leveled up to fighting shape as soon as possible.

Then there's... his evolution....

Gamagaru, the Katamari Damacy character Pokemon.

He looks a little bit 'special', if you know what I mean. It might be the head covered in balls, or it might be the fact that he wiggles them back and forth at super speed, but yeah... Poor little guy.

Moving on, here's a new fighting type.

Dageki, now known as Bert. Who will be Ernie?
He sort of looks like what would have happened if they had made a "Muppets take Japan!" movie back in the day, but I still have to have him, so... I have him. Wonderful how that worked out, wasn't it? Yes, I named him Bert, but you can call him Dageki.

And then there's this guy...

Dokkora, the Caber Toss Pokemon.
I'm going to call him Woody, but again you can call him Dokkora.

Now, take a look at this lady right here...

Wandering healers who'll refresh your party once you beat them? Another Dragon Quest idea, this time from DQ Monsters! -Ed.

This trainer has one pokemon, that's all. When you beat her pokemon, from that point on if you talk to them they will heal your pokemon for FREE. This is one of the greatest ideas ever, but at the same time I think that those people out there that want to Nuzlocke run through Black will be a bit annoyed by them making the game too easy. I won't lie to you, I've attempted a Nuzlocke run before, but I failed.

Oh yes! I also had an evolution on my hands!

I think Pgen just joined the Goodfeathers.

Pgen became a bit of a bad ass, didn't he? I'm proud of this little guy, really I am. With my party leveled to 27, I decide that now would be a good time to get back to the plot... Remember that this game has a plot? I almost don't, because for you that was a few paragraphs and pictures, for me that was roughly ten hours of my life. Yes, ten hours. It would seem that the XP that scales with your level makes it rather hard to keep up, plus I had to level a number of level 10 pokemon.

Anyway, on with the story!

Umm, ok, so I talked to the gym leader and she continued to spin in circles, as one does, so I assumed that I had to head out of the town by the gate which she stood so I could track down Plasma... I was wrong, so I head back to town and begin to search in the other direction, and I think that it looks like I'm going to have to go into some evil looking woods.

I'd be right scared without this belt full of little murderers.

On the plus side, at least I'm sure I'll be able to catch a few bug type pokemon in there. I head inside and discover that it may or may not be woods actually, and in any case there's a paved road, and as we all know, pokemon hate roads. "???" meets me inside, and I note that he now has a name. From the music playing, I think we're either going to team up, or I'm going to have to battle him. Either works for me, to be honest.

Well I was wrong on both counts! It seems that he was trying to get across that he was going to head north to look for Plasma, and I should head to the west. I do so, since his silly hair seems to be wise and curly, and fight a pair of twin trainers who creep me out a little bit. Seriously, would you let two five year-olds wander around in woods filled with monsters and dangerous criminals, relying on two grass pokemon? Hell no! Grass is weak against bug type pokemon! You would need at least a fire type.

Anyway, I beat them and then rush forward because I see a Plasma goon, and he attacks me with...

Meguroko, the Badgigator Pokemon.
Is it a pool toy, or did someone stick an alligator head onto a badger? Anyway, nothing else happens after I beat him, so I continue down the path to see if there's anyone else to beat soundly... And yes, yes there are. Aside from a Plasma Knight, I also encounter... this guy...

Everyone knows forests in Amer... er, Isshu, are full of Cowboys!
Is he drunk? Is he high? Who knows! Either way he's wandering around the woods, dressed as a cowboy, with a pokeball attacked to the end of a rope... Well, at least he gave me a thousand bucks for my trouble, so I don't care how big of a dork he is. He also gave me a berry, which is nice I suppose, but I won't question why he did this, at least till I need a restraining order.

I also run into this little guy, and I'm forced to catch him... Why am I forced? Because I don't have him, that's why. His name? Bugsy, obviously.

Kurumiru. Is that a leaf-bonnet?
Not sure what Kurumiru means, but that seems to be his real name.

Ok, that's it for now. Sorry that there wasn't too much to this installment, but there will be more tomorrow!

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