We don't always like being nonplussed

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Romancing Saga 2 part 20: Wrong Turns

We survived the pair of Hellhounds. Amazingly nobody even lost LP! The party fought their little hearts out as though it was a boss, but we survived.

The next set, though? Utterly wrecks us, revealing a group fire attack that does 200+ damage a target. Reset time- thank you, treasure-chest-related paranoia, for meaning I've saved in the last ten minutes! It goes better this time, and in the middle of a fight with a pair of Ogres, Bear learns the Ninja's trick of throwing his sword off the back of the screen and having it hit enemies from behind- except for him it does 300 damage! He also goes down again- current LP: 2. Not. Good.

Wandering the first level we've found stairs both up and down. I'm starting with down- I saw those first, and maybe there are some prisoners to rescue that might be useful.

Golly, this hallway is straight. And foreboding. Time to save!

Okay, it takes me out to here, back in the town. But it seems to be a one-way trip. So we reset again- it's good to know about that in case Bear or Therese lose all their LP, but otherwise it's a lot of hassle for nothing. So let's try the upstairs.

Ah, that's more like it! More stuff to kill and be killed by! That dragon is actually a pair of Gargoyles, who take a little skill point elbow grease but didn't kill anyone. Mostly this floor's full of more doors that contain both Skeletons and Dogs- dogs that are sometimes Hellhounds. I do find another 200K for Avalon and a necklace called a Star Stone, though.

Guards! One of them has an attack that takes Gerarl down even though he BLOCKED it. They are officially Bad News. Miraculously, Bear survives without losing one of his last two LP. They respawn every time I exit a room, like everything else does. I weave around them next time and find a room with stairs leading up in a corner and a doorway guarded by Skeletons on this floor. I'm taking the doorway first.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like "Reset Time" could be a great title for a blog, video series, or other gaming site regarding video game frustrations...

    *annoyance* "RESET TIME!!"
